The Two Rivers Main Street Economic Vitality Committee works to support downtown businesses and recruit new businesses to the Two Rivers downtown district.
This is accomplished by:
- Finding new uses for historic commercial buildings
- Stimulating investment in downtown properties.
- Adding new retail, service, and restaurant opportunities
- Learning about the district’s current economic condition
- Identifying opportunities for market growth.
- Strengthening existing businesses through seminars, consultant visits, and other resources
- Recruiting new downtown businesses to fill gaps in the market.
- Finding new economic uses for traditional Main Street spaces.
- Developing financial incentives and capital for building rehabilitations and business development.
- Monitoring the economic performance of downtown on an ongoing basis and collect market data.
- Working with local financial institutions and business assistance organizations on any matters related to downtown, in cooperation with design committee’s building inventory.
- Promoting downtown as a good place to do business.
The Two Rivers Main Street Committees are extremely energetic, organized, creative, open to new ideas while reviewing old ones, and have fun in the process. Two Rivers Main Street has many projects planned for the next year and will need your fresh ideas.
If you have skills or interest in business, real estate, economics, or market research this committee is for you.
We are always looking for new ideas and enthusiastic volunteers.
Please contact us!
Economic Vitality Committee meets the 4th Wednesday of each month at 8:00 am
*TR Main Street Office
Two Rivers, WI 54241
Committee Chairperson:
Curt Andrews – Cool City Brewing
Committee Members:
Development Director – City of Two Rivers
Travis Stevens, Remax Realty
Jeff Sachse – Rawley Point Advisors
Betty Bittner – Retired
Joe Baeten – Baeten Lakeshore Properties
Jason Ring – Director, Two Rivers Main Street
* Meeting locations subject to change.