The Two Rivers Main Street Sign & Façade Grant Program is offering a great opportunity for property owners in the Main Street Business Improvement District to improve and restore their buildings. This year, through an agreement with the City of Two Rivers, we have the opportunity to offer as much as $20,000 for façade improvement grants. The extra funding will give us the potential to fund two major projects with as much as $10,000 each. This is double the usual individual grant amount of $5,000, and over four times the usual budget for this program.
We are currently accepting applications for this year. Applications will be reviewed shortly after that date so that your project can be started as soon as possible. Applications received after that date will not be eligible for the first round of funding.
Please click here to download the Sign and Façade Grant application.
The Sign & Façade Improvement & Restoration Grant Program is a joint project of Two Rivers Main Street and the City of Two Rivers and is administered by the Design Committee in coordination with the Two Rivers Main Street Board of Directors.